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Niger’s Ousted President Bazoum Files Legal Case Against Coup Plotters

Niger's Ousted President Bazoum Seeks Justice in Legal Case Against Coup Plotters

In a significant development, lawyers representing Niger’s ousted president, Mohamed Bazoum, have announced their intention to file a legal case in the West African country against those responsible for the coup that removed the democratically elected leader from power on July 26.

Touchaheart Nigeria reports that this move comes as a testament to the commitment to upholding the rule of law and seeking justice for the dramatic political upheaval that unfolded in Niger.

The Legal Complaint

The lawyers for Mohamed Bazoum have laid out a comprehensive legal complaint aimed at new strongman General Abdourahamane Tiani and “all others” involved in the coup.

The complaint, a civil action, alleges multiple charges, including “attack and conspiracy against state authority, crimes and offenses committed by civil servants, and arbitrary arrests and confinements.”

These allegations paint a stark picture of the tumultuous events that have transpired in Niger.

Seeking Justice Through International Avenues

In addition to pursuing legal action within Niger, Mohamed Bazoum’s legal team is also appealing to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

This international effort underscores the gravity of the situation and the commitment to justice on a global scale.

The lawyers are appealing to two bodies within the UN Human Rights Council, including its working group on arbitrary detention.

Upholding the Dignity of the Nigerien State

Dominique Inchauspe, one of the lawyers representing Bazoum, has labeled the coup as “an infringement on the dignity of the Nigerien state.”

This sentiment reflects the profound impact of the coup on the nation’s democratic foundations and its standing in the international community.

The lawyers have reiterated the “absolute necessity” to restore the rule of law in Niger.

Previous Legal Actions

It is worth noting that Mohamed Bazoum had previously filed a lawsuit with a court of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on September 18.

His Senegalese lawyer, Seydou Diagne, confirmed this action. Despite these legal efforts, Bazoum has remained detained in his residence since the coup.

Furthermore, on August 13, the coup leaders announced their intention to pursue Bazoum for “high treason,” adding another layer of complexity to the ongoing legal battles.

What You Should Know

The legal case filed by Mohamed Bazoum’s lawyers in Niger and their appeal to the United Nations Human Rights Council demonstrate a commitment to seeking justice and upholding democratic principles in the aftermath of the coup.

The allegations of attack and conspiracy against state authority, along with other charges, will undoubtedly be closely examined as this legal battle unfolds.

The international community will be watching closely as Niger strives to restore the rule of law and ensure that justice prevails in this challenging chapter of its history.

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